About me
In the beginning there was wonder - wonder at the world, at people, at human behaviour, at the broken relationship between man and nature, at people who put themselves before everything else…

I see myself as a humanist who, despite specialisation in the sense of a university education, has a broad interest in everything that makes me wonder. I am always looking for new paths, crossroads and, eventually, answers.
Everything flows (panta rhei) - Heraclitus
- PhD Tibetan Studies and Philosophy 2016, Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies, LMU Munich, supervised by Prof. Dr. Franz-Karl Ehrhard and Prof. Dr. Petra Maurer.
- M.A. Tibetan Studies, 2012, Minor subjects: Sociology, Philosophy, LMU Munich.
Emphasis in Research
- History, philosophy (on a global level) and the place that women have had and still have today –> Blog about herstory (in German)
- Tibetan Buddhism and the role(s) of women
- The Barawa Kagyu (‘Ba’ ra ba bKa' brgyud pa) tradition of Tibetan Buddhism
- Intersection of religion, nature, and culture within the Tibetan Cultural Area
- Sikkim Studies
- Religious geography and Buddhist pilgrimage sites in the Himalaya